August Thoughts

August days are so changeable. As the temperature dances around, some days bringing spring-like warmth and others mid-winter chill, I get impatient for the season to change. I love winter, but by the end of it, I’m ready to shed the layers, open up the house and start enjoying lighter meals again. I’m drawn to the garden at this time of year. I want to be planting spring seeds, but I know it’s still too early. We’re perched atop a hill here, giving is a wide view over quite a distance.  Lately, there has been a thin layer of smoke hanging in the air, as the world around us gets dryer and dryer.

I’m watching my seedlings grow ever so slowly, as the soil temperature is still cold. We had more frost only the other morning. August truly can’t make up its mind about which season it wants to be part of! Despite sweet peas being something you should plant during the cold, they are growing rather slowly as everything does in this weather.

I'm off to darn in some ends on a recently finished project, give it a block and also give some other woollens a wash. There's my seasonal article to write for

Earth Garden

and some work to do on a secret project that I will be able to share very soon.

What are you doing on this Saturday? Is it sunny and smokey where you are?

I've been enjoying these things lately, and thought you might too:

Seeing Kate's beautiful

wintery photos

Reading about getting ready for a

year-long caravan adventure

Getting excited about this

indulgent evening

Happy weekend to you!


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