Here & Now | October 2018 Link-Up

Despite the widespread exclamations about the speed at which each year goes, it seems that time is determined to still march on at what seems to be an ever-increasing pace. Here we are in October, and what I very much view as the ending of the year. As we roll into these final months I find they all seem to run together, as people begin to talk more about their end-of-year plans.

It's Here & Now time again and it's a great way to pause and think about the present. Will you be joining in this month?

Loving // 

Some much-needed rain to boost the rainwater tank level and also work its magic on the garden. I hope everywhere that needs it gets decent rain soon!

Eating //

 Homegrown greens from the garden, a little in each meal most nights. They include bok choy, kale, mustard, lettuce, radish, perpetual spinach, comfrey and then herbs such as rosemary, thyme, parsley & basil. It's nice to be harvesting even a small amount from the garden once again.

Drinking //

 Less tea as the days warm

Feeling // 

Slightly baffled by the time whenever I glance at a clock with daylight saving having recommenced on the weekend. I'm sure I'll adjust soon!

Making //

 Lots of things all at once. I'm working on two patterns, my cowl using

my handspun

, a summer top in


using a pattern from

this book

and a pair of fair isle socks.

Thinking //

 About how the last months of the year all seem to run together, as I look at my calendar and diary. My

final workshop

for the year is coming up at the end of next month, then after that, I'm co-hosting a

Crafternoon Tea Party

, then I'm done for events for the year! It's been a wonderful year of running


for the first time.

Dreaming //

Of a trip to a lovely garden this coming weekend

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