Knitting Mug Cosies

I feel as though I have too many thoughts jumbling and tumbling around in my mind today. This is the third time I've tried to write a blog post. I tried writing about the lovely, soaking, dam-filling rain we've had, and I wanted to say thank-you for your kind thoughts and words on my last post, and I wanted to tell you about some of the exciting plans I have at the moment but which I really can't share yet.
All of that feels like it's on a high-speed spin cycle around my brain, so I'm hitting the pause button and stopping to simply write about my knitting. Because when in doubt, it always seems like a good place to go.

My first project for the year has turned out to be a mug cosy. I made one in 2014, and for some unknown reason I was suddenly inspired to make some more. I wanted to make one using the sheep from the Baa-ble Hat pattern, so I did. Being a prototype, it needs improving, but I'm still really happy with how it turned out. Oddly though, I've forgotten to take a photo of it finished so one of it unfinished will have to do.
After doing that I was inspired to sketch some new designs, to put around a mug in the form of a cosy, and that is why my desk is such a mess in the photographs above.
I'm working on a little woodland themed set of cosies at the moment. I'm so excited to share them with you when I'm finished! I'm being rather naughty though, not writing down a pattern as I go. I haven't done that for ages, but writing patterns takes time and I just wanted to sit and simply knit.

What is your first project of the year? Have you started or finished one yet?
I've been making blanket squares too, but as that is for an on-going project I don't really count it as a "new" project.

Happy making!

Joining in with Frontier Dreams for KCCO 

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