Craft as Therapy

I don't know what I'd do without my knitting some days. When things are topsy-turvy and stressful, I love being able to simply pick up my needles and work a few stitches or rows. It keeps me grounded, sane and gives me something to focus on.
And I've heard so many other crafters say the same thing. Some people even take up crafting on purpose in a particularly stressful period of their life. It becomes their escape, and their coping mechanism.
Crafting and creating brings so much to our lives - there's the act of actually making something, and then the joy in either using, or gifting it to someone else. Having handmade something yourself is a wonderful conversation starter, and if you knit or crochet when you're out and about you'll find people will stop and talk to you about it. It's much the same if you share your crafting online.

There's a whole community on Instagram centered around the tag #craftastherapy
There's also a lovely blog link up called Keep Calm & Craft On, which is held every week for any kind of craft. (I'm joining in today).

The things I have been crafting lately have been mug cosies and putting them in my shop. I've finally published the pattern for a few too! (A good deal later than I promised, I do apologise).
I knitted a little gift for a lovely lady, and as I'm not quite sure if she's received it yet or not I'll say no more about it now. I'm so happy to be able to make something myself to send as a thank-you present to someone. It's much, much nicer than going out and buying something off a shelf, don't you think?

What have you been crafting lately?
And what form does your crafting take?
Do you craft with yarn, fabric, paper or wood? Perhaps you craft with flour in the kitchen, or get creative outside.
I'd love to know!

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